Myself in a nutshell

With over 15 years’ experience in architectural field, leading and supervising projects and teams, awards winning, delivering conceptual artistic designs internationally, I have developed many skills in multi-cultural environments in terms of culture, management and team leading.

My professional experience in handling projects combined with my artistic background allowed me to deal with projects designs and site constraints taking into consideration clients’ needs perceptions and tastes, simplifying them into efficient results.

Brought up in a family specialised in the agricultural and landscaping industry, being sensitive to nature and culture, my approach to either commercial, residential, mixed use, hospitality, interior, educational, cultural, urban planning or public spaces projects, is always based on reducing the damage on culture and environment, respecting heritage, nature and the eco-system.


The influence of multicultural exchange, global economic flows and earth sustainability needs, combined with my careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes, lead me to create architecture designs with passionate and responsible innovative approach, profitable, sometimes pragmatic and utopic when needed.


Being an architect, I always feel the need to have the freedom and the strength to change the growing development of human needs to better fit contemporary life forms into sustainable piece of art.

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